Tag Archive: CIA

Pakistan Taliban attack a naval base in Pakistan [read here].

Keep in mind that CIA is running a covert ops of thousands of elite mercenaries supposedly fighting the militant extremists (Al Qaeda/Taliban et al) officially. [read here]

But can you guess who most likely created, funded and recruited the Pakistani Taliban? LET ME REMIND YOU… [read what was revealed when CIA Raymond Davis was caught]

What you are seeing is farcical war theatre set to convince the world that OBAMA is expertly fighting the war on terror on the terrorists elements that reside in Pakistan. What mainstream media does NOT focus on is that terrorism is spreading in Pakistan courtesy of intelligence agencies (specifically the CIA). Why? Because you cannot have a continuous war on terror without terrorism.

A very dangerous scenario being played out to by the USA against Pakistan.

CIA fabricating evidence/reason to pick a fight with Pakistan [read here] and [here]

Hamid Gul interview with Alex Jones on the same situation

Important article detailing certain facts (especially for those who qualify wikileaks to showing evidence against Pakistan’s involvment/support for Bin Laden), that will never be highlighted in the mainstream media because it reveals openly the bull&^%  of the official version of the Bin Laden execution. [read the article here]

… and assisted the US in the efforts.”  An alternate opinion presented for consideration… [read here]

I concur.  Watch the full interview…very good!

Osama bin bogeyman?

Adrian Salbuchi – researcher and author based in Argentina – regularly appears on alternative news radio and television shows

Carving up Pakistan

An alternative opinion piece on the purpose of the drone attacks and the aim for Pakistan [read here]

CIA in Libya

Watch CNN squirm as interviewee overtly presents an opinion (truth) that goes against the mainstream grain…

If true, this is extremely disturbing [read here]